Thursday, 11 December 2014

Best Social Tools for Landing Page Optimization

Landing page is the first place where users land after being targeted by any mail or a website or a post. If you are not able offer an optimized landing page to your audience, you can be sure that they won’t come back. They say first impression is the last impression. An optimized landing page helps you to leave the first impression that will last forever.

Some general tips to optimize landing page are as following :
1. Use the impressive eye catching headlines
2. Write interesting content
3. Make sure to add a lead form
4. Have a clear call to action

These are the most basic tips that one must keep in mind while designing the landing page of a business. But here we have listed down top social tools which will help you to shape up the landing page conversion of your website.

Top social tools to improve landing page conversion :

1. Social login : Asking your users to fill up another time consuming registration form can be quite a turn off. Study says that 75% of visitors leave the site on being asked to fill up another sign up form. So instead of making them walk away, allow them to sign in to your product or service in just one click, with the help of Social Login.

Social Login

Social login is a widely popular social tool that allows users to sign in using their already existing social media accounts such as Facebook, Linkedin, Google+, etc. Using social login results in improved sign up rates and users are able to get rid of the problem, called as Password fatigue. You can read more about the conversion benefits of social login or to get in-depth knowledge of this tool, check out a comprehensive slideshare on social login.

2. Social Sharing widgets : It’s a human nature that we love to share what interests us with the people known to us. Sharing is an effective way of word-of-mouth marketing. It improves the reach and the situation is no different in case of landing pages too. Adding social sharing widget to the landing page of your website improves the referral traffic to it.

Social Sharing

Very inexpensive and undoubtedly effective, social sharing tool helps your users to share what they like with the people they like within a few seconds. Social Sharing plays an important role in improving the product reach. To get more idea, read the psychology behind social sharing here.

3. Social Proof : When the user arrives at the landing page of your website, show them what are the feedbacks of your audience, it will build their trust on your business. Using following ways, one can make this happen :
  • Facebook and Twitter posts
  • Customer testimonials
  • Case-studies and white papers
  • Social count

Social Count Plus

It is a general mentality that if my trusted people are doing it, I should also try it once and that’s where social sharing steps in. By adding buttons such as likes, shares help to boost the landing page optimization and also inspire them to check out more pages of your website.

4. Social Invite : Social Invite is one of the effective ways of word-of-mouth marketing. Similar to tools mentioned above, using Friend Invite feature users are allowed to invite selected people from their social media network to try your product.

Friend Invite

The feature is specially helpful for those people who want to target their products to some specific users and want to send them much more customized invite. Using this feature, you can convert your website users into brand ambassadors.

To know more about how social invite helps to improve landing page conversion, read the post Grow your business by increasing referrals with Friend Invite.

5. Follow Bar

Follow Bar

Adding follow bar social tool to your landing page will allow your customers to connect with you on various social media platforms. Using this follow bar, visitor get more chances to connect with your business via their preferred social media network.

Conclusion :
Landing pages play important role in boosting traffic to your website. So if your website landing page is not optimized, it’s time to use these tools. A proper optimized landing page is the key to improve conversion rates and traffic.

To know more about how one can shape up landing page conversion, read the detailed article here : 5 killer social tools for shaping up landing page conversion

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